Mumble Repository

An Open Source Social Media Platform and Public Forum for Questions and Discussions, built for Developers.

Directory Structure

You can find project information, licence, contribution guidelines, style guides and more on the root directory. However, the main source code for the Mumble project lives on the frontend folder. This project is create with create-react-app and we respect what create-react-app provides us by default. Although in future, the directory structures can be changed a bit, but for the most part the current directory structure looks like this:

|-- cypress
|-- node_modules
|-- public
|-- src
    |-- __tests__
    |   |-- components
    |-- actions
    |-- assets
    |   |-- images
    |   |-- logo
    |-- common
    |-- components
    |-- constants
    |-- data
    |   |-- images
    |-- hooks
    |-- pages
    |-- reducers
    |-- services
    |-- styles
    |   |-- common
    |   |-- components
    |-- uikit
    |   |-- scripts
    |   |-- styles
    |       |-- modules
    |-- utilities

Download & Setup Instructions :

Before downloading the project, check to make sure you meet the project's requirements.

Clone the project. This will download the GitHub respository files onto your local machine.

git clone

Frontend Instructions (Create React App) :

---> Navigate to the frontend/ directory

cd Mumble && cd frontend

---> Install the project dependencies

npm install

---> Start the development server on localhost:3000

npm start

Want to Contribute?

Check out the contributing guide. Also if you are looking for a complete style guides, please refer to Mumble Style Guide. We highly recommend to go through the guideline before start contributing.

Last updated